How to Steam Rice

Water - 2 x the amount of rice. Depends a lot on how soft you like your rice. Your rice package might also have suggested ratios.
Salt - 1/2 to 1 tsp of salt per cup of rice (cooked).
So if you are doing 1 cup of uncooked rice, use two cups of water and 1 to 2 tsps. of salt.

Presoak or wash your rice for at least 10 minutes. I usually rinse it until the water is mostly clear.
Put your rice into a shallow bowl that will fit inside your steamer and add the measured water.
Add the salt. Stir a bit.
Place the steamer filled* with cold water on the stove and place the bowl of rice in the steamer.
Turn the heat on the stove to High, and cook for 20 to 25 minutes. I like the longer time to make sure my rice is done.
After your 20 or 25 minutes, take steamer off the heat and leave it alone for another 5 minutes. After that you can serve it or leave it in the steamer for keeping warm.
*Make sure you have enough water in the steamer so it doesn't boil dry, but not so much that it takes forever to boil.

Depends on how much you want