Sous Vide Poached Eggs

I used several different sources for this information:
Sous Vide Sideways and Allrecipes are two of them.
Visit How To Make A Bunch of Poached Eggs Ahead of Time for how to store them.
These are the results of my first effort. They look better than they were. They were waaaay too runny, even for a guy like me who likes them runny.
I went 13 minutes; should have gone 14, or even 15.
I only left them in the ice bath about 2 minutes.
Getting the shell off without leaving a lot of little shell pieces was a pain in the ass.
Having said that, I think if you had to do a lot of poached eggs, this might be a solution.
sous vide machine

The general consensus is to set your sous vide machine to 75C/167F.
Once the temperature is reached, gently place the whole eggs in the bath using a slotted spoon.
Times ranged from 13 to 14 minutes. I think 14 minutes is better.
Remove eggs from the sous vide bath with the slotted spoon once the timer goes off.
DO NOT wait. Even a minute can make a difference.
Place the eggs into a bowl of ice water for 5 minutes to set the whites.
Both recipes suggest cracking the egg around the middle, in a slotted spoon to allow excess egg white to drain. I cracked mine closer to the top and the egg kind of "plopped" out.

Serves as many as you need